Sweaty palms
In the fatal grip of a child
A jagged rock in hand
Me, a rock in the hand of a five year old Palestinian boy
I am not a pebble
Nor a stone
But a heavy rock in the hand of a child
I am being released from this fatality and pain
And I soar in the sky toward hazardous tanks and
And soldiers with guns
I am a rock in the hand of a boy who wants his father back
But cannot have him because he is
Eight feet under
A rock in the hand of a Palestinian man who wants his brother back
But cannot have him because his life was taken from him by the bullet of the enemy
I am a rock in a grip so tight I feel as though my minerals are chipping
A young boy so eager to get his home land back
In his mind he is tripping
And his father who went out for a "walk" one day goes missing
And his daughter at home wants him to come home so she
Keeps wishing
While her mother is in the living room
And crying while she's reminiscing
Me, a rock in hand
I am a rock who aims at the white bird that ceases
To cease
The peace between two nations
I am a rock whose aim is to end the pain and suffering in the every day life of the Palestinians
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Obama /Hillary
To be truly honest, when it comes to politics I am completely clueless and careless. However when it come to world wrestling entertainment my eyes shoot open and they have my full attention. The reason for this is because wrestling isn't boring its fun as hell and it never gets boring. But with the presidential elections going on and all these candidates running for president, they have to win the vote of as many people as possible. So they took their debates to the ring. In a candidates match.Check it out
LOL. Okay so maybe it wasn't really Obama And Hillary but It could have been. But how is this election going to turn out. We all seen how bill Clinton cheated for Hillary how do we know if it not really like that in real life, how do we know if any of them are cheating. Bush cheated one of them could have cheated too. Why does it matter what i think about this election I don't have the right to vote all I am suppose to do is follow the law. I don't know alot about politics as i have said before maybe in the future i will pay more attention to it. But right now i dont feel that politics and i are friends. Kids wanna have fun I can care less who our next president is.
LOL. Okay so maybe it wasn't really Obama And Hillary but It could have been. But how is this election going to turn out. We all seen how bill Clinton cheated for Hillary how do we know if it not really like that in real life, how do we know if any of them are cheating. Bush cheated one of them could have cheated too. Why does it matter what i think about this election I don't have the right to vote all I am suppose to do is follow the law. I don't know alot about politics as i have said before maybe in the future i will pay more attention to it. But right now i dont feel that politics and i are friends. Kids wanna have fun I can care less who our next president is.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Death Poem
I once read a book called Island of the Blue Dolphins, and it was really poignant. A little girl and her little brother were forgotten on an island. In which was not popular, and that no one ever came back to. On the Island the little girl and her brother persistently ran from undomesticated dogs, which were out to get them. So they started constructing weapons to protect them selves. One day the little boy got ripped to shreds by the dogs while his sister watched and did absolutely nothing. In every day life people see other people die. Or go to funerals and see people dead. This is what inspired me to write this poem.
Ring Around the rosy,
Trapped in a nightmare-like world,
No where to run, and no use in hiding,
Every one around me, just keeps on crying,
Tears fall at open caskets,
Holes in the ground like Swiss cheese,
Surrounding each hole is friends and family,
A pocket full of posies,
Giving a prayer,
Falling carnations on a coffin,
Loud and clear is the sound of the dirt as it buries the coffin,
Here lies…
The world,
I place many flowers on the burial site,
I hum a tune,
I go home and watch TV,
One thing that can’t get you killed,
CNN- a death has occurred today at…
RNEWS- An 11th grader attending School of The Arts Died In a…
I begin to read the news paper,
Two teenage boys killed…
A man shoots his wife and…
I go back to the Swiss cheese like cemetery,
Here lies…
The hopes and dreams of younglings across the universe,
I bring a rose to my lips and place a kiss upon it,
I bring it to my forehead then hold it up in the air,
I bring it to my nose and smell it,
It’s the only thing left in the world that smells alive,
Here is to all the old people,
Mothers and fathers,
Grandmas and grandpas,
Aunts and uncles,
For living longer than you children
Nieces and nephews,
May they rest in peace,
It has got to suck,
For a child to have their whole life ahead of them one minute,
And no life ahead of them the next,
Ashes, ashes,
No one alive can say they are happy,
Every nine seconds someone is being born,
And every ten seconds someone dies from tobacco use,
I see it every where,
Every day,
The media talks about how bad smoking is but that’s it,
They aren’t doing anything to stop it,
Every second a person smokes,
There lungs are being attacked with tar,
Cancer kills,
Tobacco companies around the world,
Taking lives,
And taking money,
The flick of a cigarette,
The ashes flow all over the place,
Like cremation,
Ashes, Ashes,
The death clock’s done ticking,
My soul is weary,
Every one else’s stray from their cold bodies,
No one is left crying,
No one is left standing,
The TV is off,
No one left; to make the news paper,
It’s over,
No one did anything to stop it,
All I did was watch,
No one left to make Swiss cheese holes,
No one there to send flowers,
Here lies…
The world,
We all fall down,
Ring Around the rosy,
Trapped in a nightmare-like world,
No where to run, and no use in hiding,
Every one around me, just keeps on crying,
Tears fall at open caskets,
Holes in the ground like Swiss cheese,
Surrounding each hole is friends and family,
A pocket full of posies,
Giving a prayer,
Falling carnations on a coffin,
Loud and clear is the sound of the dirt as it buries the coffin,
Here lies…
The world,
I place many flowers on the burial site,
I hum a tune,
I go home and watch TV,
One thing that can’t get you killed,
CNN- a death has occurred today at…
RNEWS- An 11th grader attending School of The Arts Died In a…
I begin to read the news paper,
Two teenage boys killed…
A man shoots his wife and…
I go back to the Swiss cheese like cemetery,
Here lies…
The hopes and dreams of younglings across the universe,
I bring a rose to my lips and place a kiss upon it,
I bring it to my forehead then hold it up in the air,
I bring it to my nose and smell it,
It’s the only thing left in the world that smells alive,
Here is to all the old people,
Mothers and fathers,
Grandmas and grandpas,
Aunts and uncles,
For living longer than you children
Nieces and nephews,
May they rest in peace,
It has got to suck,
For a child to have their whole life ahead of them one minute,
And no life ahead of them the next,
Ashes, ashes,
No one alive can say they are happy,
Every nine seconds someone is being born,
And every ten seconds someone dies from tobacco use,
I see it every where,
Every day,
The media talks about how bad smoking is but that’s it,
They aren’t doing anything to stop it,
Every second a person smokes,
There lungs are being attacked with tar,
Cancer kills,
Tobacco companies around the world,
Taking lives,
And taking money,
The flick of a cigarette,
The ashes flow all over the place,
Like cremation,
Ashes, Ashes,
The death clock’s done ticking,
My soul is weary,
Every one else’s stray from their cold bodies,
No one is left crying,
No one is left standing,
The TV is off,
No one left; to make the news paper,
It’s over,
No one did anything to stop it,
All I did was watch,
No one left to make Swiss cheese holes,
No one there to send flowers,
Here lies…
The world,
We all fall down,
Monday, March 31, 2008
So What If The Media Said So? Does it mean it's true.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Beauty is held in the eyes of its beholder
Beauty is in the eyes of it's beholder.
Stop lookin' at me!!!
I am beautiful,
Say what you want,
Try as hard as you want,
You can never make me believe I am ugly,
You can't judge me by what i look like,
I have a heart made of gold,
And head full of Faith,
I withhold in my hands achievement and strength,
I believe that beauty is in your heart and your mind,
So you can call me ugly,
Hey,you can even let people know I'm ugly,
Because in the end,
I know from the inside,
That I look better than you,
No matter what they say,
No matter how much they made fun of me,
No matter how many times they laughed at me,
I still held my head up high,
I keep my eyes in the sky and I pray to that guy,
Dear God don't ask why,
Just tell'em beauty is held in the beholders eye,
Look passed my face,
Look passed my body,
See me for who I am,
And not what i look like,
It's not my height and forget my length,
It's all about my wisdom, my courage and strength,
Words can't bring me down,
If you're tryin' to hurt me,
You are wastin' your time,
Your words are like you,
They are ugly and can't bring me to frown,
Stop bein' a clown,
And stop with the messin' around,
Your like a broken cassett stuck and rewound,
You are lost in your words, trapped in a dark cold town,
'Cuz just like you, your words will never bring me down,
I am the beholder,
I'm ugly to you,
You can't find my beauty,
'Cuz my beauty is held in my own eyes,
I am beautiful in every single way,
I am beautiful in my own way,
Not yours or his or hers,
I am special,
I tell you,
Look deep into my eyes and not just the color,
A persons eyes holds there beauty,
They can tell you every thing about a person,
My eyes are big and round,
Which says that I hold alot of liveliness,
My eyes hold not only my beauty but my hapiness,
Can you see it,
Don't judge me,
Some go unspoken, unheard,
And when they speak,
When they are heard,
They are often misunderstood,
This peom is for those misunderstood, those unspoken, those that can't be heard, and those that are told they are ugly. You are as beautiful as any body else. Beauty is in the eyes of it's beholder, My advice to you Be the beholder. Stand in front of a mirror and tell your self what you like about you self. All the things you can look past. And all the things you see are What make you beautiful. And to those who are heartless and and hurtful, STOP LOOKING AND START SEEING.
Stop lookin' at me!!!
I am beautiful,
Say what you want,
Try as hard as you want,
You can never make me believe I am ugly,
You can't judge me by what i look like,
I have a heart made of gold,
And head full of Faith,
I withhold in my hands achievement and strength,
I believe that beauty is in your heart and your mind,
So you can call me ugly,
Hey,you can even let people know I'm ugly,
Because in the end,
I know from the inside,
That I look better than you,
No matter what they say,
No matter how much they made fun of me,
No matter how many times they laughed at me,
I still held my head up high,
I keep my eyes in the sky and I pray to that guy,
Dear God don't ask why,
Just tell'em beauty is held in the beholders eye,
Look passed my face,
Look passed my body,
See me for who I am,
And not what i look like,
It's not my height and forget my length,
It's all about my wisdom, my courage and strength,
Words can't bring me down,
If you're tryin' to hurt me,
You are wastin' your time,
Your words are like you,
They are ugly and can't bring me to frown,
Stop bein' a clown,
And stop with the messin' around,
Your like a broken cassett stuck and rewound,
You are lost in your words, trapped in a dark cold town,
'Cuz just like you, your words will never bring me down,
I am the beholder,
I'm ugly to you,
You can't find my beauty,
'Cuz my beauty is held in my own eyes,
I am beautiful in every single way,
I am beautiful in my own way,
Not yours or his or hers,
I am special,
I tell you,
Look deep into my eyes and not just the color,
A persons eyes holds there beauty,
They can tell you every thing about a person,
My eyes are big and round,
Which says that I hold alot of liveliness,
My eyes hold not only my beauty but my hapiness,
Can you see it,
Don't judge me,
Some go unspoken, unheard,
And when they speak,
When they are heard,
They are often misunderstood,
This peom is for those misunderstood, those unspoken, those that can't be heard, and those that are told they are ugly. You are as beautiful as any body else. Beauty is in the eyes of it's beholder, My advice to you Be the beholder. Stand in front of a mirror and tell your self what you like about you self. All the things you can look past. And all the things you see are What make you beautiful. And to those who are heartless and and hurtful, STOP LOOKING AND START SEEING.
Why does it matter where we are from, when we are all in the same place now. What difference does it make, if we all bleed the same color. Why can't we be friends. Who cares if one looks different then you or me, they are people just like us. Who cares what they smell like or look like or what they wear, does it not make them people. Why make fun of her if she wears something you don't. Are you jealous, is it the law that everyone has to look like everyone else. Should we judge, makefun, or make assumptions, I wasn't raised that way, were you? Can you look at some one and just smile? Is it that hard. A smile means more to most people then you know. But i guess now it's just easier to screw face, and laugh and put others down to make our selves feel better, Right? Tell me, is it ok to see me in a car wearing a scarf and give me the finger just because of my race and september 11? There are people in this world that go unnoticed and that seem like they don't have a voice. But just like you, they want to be heard. If they had the courage to speak up, to break out of their shell, I highly believe that you wouldn't be treating them the same way. Oh so he wears a Kippah, and he should take it off because kids aren't aloud to wear head gear in school. Uh can we grow up can we snap back to reality and get real. There is a big difference between a hat and a kippah. A Kippah is religious wear just like a Kuffi or a hijab They are not just head gear like any ordinary hats they mean something to the cultures. So don't jump to conclusions if you don't know the facts.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Name a time when you have felt out of place or uncomfortable?
Ha ha, Seriously? I always feel out of place and uncomfortable. I was born and raised hear in Rochester N.Y. I practically lived in the United States my entire life. I stood up and and put my hand over my heart and recited the pledge of the legence every day in elementary school. I watched the superbole and sang the national anthem,every time, just like every one else in the U.S. does. I was born and raised on the same street (Conkey Ave), same house (adress # 43), and Iv'e sleeped in the same room my whole life and have never had a problem. I never used to practice my religion because i never knew about it. But when i started going to the mosque to learn it's like i converted to islam. I began to pray and where the sacrf and now that i do, i am treated like out cast. I wear long sleeves and pants and a scarf all the time as part of my culture. In the summer peoople ask me stupid questions like, "aren't you hot with those on," or "eeeww how could you wear something like that on your head all the time?" The problem is not that they wonder, the problerm is the way they ask, and the fact that they don't think before they speak. Hundreds and thousands of years ago people use head dresses to survive the heat in the desert area and stay cool, and plus most scarfs arent thick they are very light, and some are silky, so the wind blows through it. And yet people still ask me "doesn't it get hot under there?" No, no it never does it keeps me cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and dry when it rains. so what more do you want to know? I began to feel most like an outcast after september 11, this is the area in my life that had the biggest impact on me. Afte 9/11 occured every thing changed. I would go places and get insulted. "Terrorist, go back to your own country. We don't need more of you here." They would say things like that and even worse sometimes. I didn't understand, this is my country.Once, I said hi to the little kids that moved in across the street. I got a horrible responce, "oh great of all places to move she moved us near terrorists." Honestly my jaw hit the floor 10 times and then closed again.They laughed and teased, so i kept going. Do you have any idea what it's like for me to go for a ride in a car and role my window down. I get middle fingers, I get called names,I get spit at, things get thrown at me, and again I also get shouted at. Like other kids my age, i go to the mall to go for a walk and go shopping. But i wish i could do this with out being stared at, gawked at, laughed at, talked about, threatened, and again "Go back to your country." Sometime i want to leave the state and get away. But i can't even get on a plain with out being seen and stopped at security, or they make up an excuse to delay the plane like oh the piollets seat broke or there was a spill. All because I am muslim and they can see that. Oh and when i finally do get on a can feel every ones eyes burning an enormous hole in my face. On the day of 9/11/2001 I was sitting in class like every one else. I wasn't the one who crashed the plane. Why should I be taunted and hurt for someone elses actions. Its not fair. It really isn't. At times like the ones I mentioned I want to turn around and hit them. I want to wrap my long fingers around there neck and strangle them until their eyes pop out. But most times I want to scream. So my mom puts her hand upon my shoulder and looks deep in to my anger filled eyes, and she tells me to let it go. One time at the mall when we were walking some old lady and her daughter wre making fun of the way muslims pray. I wanted to ram my foot down her throat, I wanted to scream.But my mom put her hand on my soldier and said let it go. I make terrorist jokes about my self sometimes, to forget how much it hurts when other people do it. And they do do it. So i stopped, but they didn't, and I will never forget that. I liek when older people smile at me, because the 1% of 100,000 people that actually do, make me feel alot better about the situation. It gives hope that not every one out there is ignorant. I often make it hard for people to be friends with me because I'm afraid it will turn out bad in the end. This is the reason why I have little pacients, a bad temper, I try to keep at home, why I often don't listen. It's because i can only take so much crap from all these people and I know that i won't be able to control my self, and i desperately try to stay away from regrets. I am OUTCAST...
Society has to have outcasts because if they con't they will get bored with there lives. I wish society can one day walk in the shoes of the many outcasts in this world. so they can see how much it hurts to be who we are and what we look like. Instead of making us feel like we belong, they make us want to run away, and never come back. I believe that away from here, a place for rebels, outcasts, untouchables, and uncomfortables to be free. To become there own society. That way they would all be normal, and they would all keep there pasts in the present to think before they hurt or cause hurt the way people bestowed it on them. We, outcasts, we can all be a family. A real and true 'free country'.An outcast is someone who is ostracized by society. An out cast... is me.
Ha ha, Seriously? I always feel out of place and uncomfortable. I was born and raised hear in Rochester N.Y. I practically lived in the United States my entire life. I stood up and and put my hand over my heart and recited the pledge of the legence every day in elementary school. I watched the superbole and sang the national anthem,every time, just like every one else in the U.S. does. I was born and raised on the same street (Conkey Ave), same house (adress # 43), and Iv'e sleeped in the same room my whole life and have never had a problem. I never used to practice my religion because i never knew about it. But when i started going to the mosque to learn it's like i converted to islam. I began to pray and where the sacrf and now that i do, i am treated like out cast. I wear long sleeves and pants and a scarf all the time as part of my culture. In the summer peoople ask me stupid questions like, "aren't you hot with those on," or "eeeww how could you wear something like that on your head all the time?" The problem is not that they wonder, the problerm is the way they ask, and the fact that they don't think before they speak. Hundreds and thousands of years ago people use head dresses to survive the heat in the desert area and stay cool, and plus most scarfs arent thick they are very light, and some are silky, so the wind blows through it. And yet people still ask me "doesn't it get hot under there?" No, no it never does it keeps me cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and dry when it rains. so what more do you want to know? I began to feel most like an outcast after september 11, this is the area in my life that had the biggest impact on me. Afte 9/11 occured every thing changed. I would go places and get insulted. "Terrorist, go back to your own country. We don't need more of you here." They would say things like that and even worse sometimes. I didn't understand, this is my country.Once, I said hi to the little kids that moved in across the street. I got a horrible responce, "oh great of all places to move she moved us near terrorists." Honestly my jaw hit the floor 10 times and then closed again.They laughed and teased, so i kept going. Do you have any idea what it's like for me to go for a ride in a car and role my window down. I get middle fingers, I get called names,I get spit at, things get thrown at me, and again I also get shouted at. Like other kids my age, i go to the mall to go for a walk and go shopping. But i wish i could do this with out being stared at, gawked at, laughed at, talked about, threatened, and again "Go back to your country." Sometime i want to leave the state and get away. But i can't even get on a plain with out being seen and stopped at security, or they make up an excuse to delay the plane like oh the piollets seat broke or there was a spill. All because I am muslim and they can see that. Oh and when i finally do get on a can feel every ones eyes burning an enormous hole in my face. On the day of 9/11/2001 I was sitting in class like every one else. I wasn't the one who crashed the plane. Why should I be taunted and hurt for someone elses actions. Its not fair. It really isn't. At times like the ones I mentioned I want to turn around and hit them. I want to wrap my long fingers around there neck and strangle them until their eyes pop out. But most times I want to scream. So my mom puts her hand upon my shoulder and looks deep in to my anger filled eyes, and she tells me to let it go. One time at the mall when we were walking some old lady and her daughter wre making fun of the way muslims pray. I wanted to ram my foot down her throat, I wanted to scream.But my mom put her hand on my soldier and said let it go. I make terrorist jokes about my self sometimes, to forget how much it hurts when other people do it. And they do do it. So i stopped, but they didn't, and I will never forget that. I liek when older people smile at me, because the 1% of 100,000 people that actually do, make me feel alot better about the situation. It gives hope that not every one out there is ignorant. I often make it hard for people to be friends with me because I'm afraid it will turn out bad in the end. This is the reason why I have little pacients, a bad temper, I try to keep at home, why I often don't listen. It's because i can only take so much crap from all these people and I know that i won't be able to control my self, and i desperately try to stay away from regrets. I am OUTCAST...
Society has to have outcasts because if they con't they will get bored with there lives. I wish society can one day walk in the shoes of the many outcasts in this world. so they can see how much it hurts to be who we are and what we look like. Instead of making us feel like we belong, they make us want to run away, and never come back. I believe that away from here, a place for rebels, outcasts, untouchables, and uncomfortables to be free. To become there own society. That way they would all be normal, and they would all keep there pasts in the present to think before they hurt or cause hurt the way people bestowed it on them. We, outcasts, we can all be a family. A real and true 'free country'.An outcast is someone who is ostracized by society. An out cast... is me.
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